A sacred diagram or meditation symbol, usually circular, sometimes
square, sometimes another regular shape, such as the Eight Petaled
Lotus of Smashana-Kali. Contemplation of the mandala can lead to
mystical insight.
A personal mandala is an "eye" into one's interior that
opens the psyche to the symbolic language of the soul. This language
can be applied to all of the manifest reality, and once it's visual
dynamism is understood the world and how we see it powerfully changes.
The mandala,is an
ancient symbol and concentric map of the psyche, has been used by
various cultures around the world, including Tibetan Buddhists,
Aborigines, and Native Americans. This workshop will introduce you
to the mandala, and through it, to the mystery of the soul and the
passionate world of the inner artist. It offers a supportive initiation
for all participants, regardless of experience, to open to their
natural creativity through art, meditation, ritual, and music.
Each participant will complete a colorful personal mandala as a
symbol to live with, to study and to begin a process of learning,
growing, healing and artistic development.
Discover your soul symbols as powerful tools for personal and professional
transformation. Come to a deeper understanding of your own creative
forces. Mandala painting can open your eyes in a heart-and-soul-connected
way to see and feel things you may never have experienced before.
Art supplies will be provided.
No previous experience necessary.

is the artist's mission to the womb of nature, in the
primal ground of creation where the secret key to all things lies
- Paul Klee

Some time ago, after exploring various forms of artistic expression,
Paul Heussenstamm, recognized himself as uniquely sensitive to the
spirit of others, and the mandala is uniquely expressive of the qualities
of those spirits. After using this intuitive capacity to remove veils
of the superficial, he is able to produce a "map" of the
psyche. By studying this "map", you can see further into
your own life,
your relationship, and your motivations.
Paul Heussenstamm is more than an artist. He is an artist, a teacher
and a healer.
